Earlier Friday, Birmingham, AL protesters upheld the quickly-legendary tradition of #BlackLivesMatter and took to the streets, showing solidarity with the other protests happening all across the country.

Birmingham’s protests occurred at the main entrance to the Birmingham Summit and in the food court in Riverchase Galleria. For those of you not from Birmingham, these are the two of the most popular Birmingham and Hoover malls (Hoover being a city in Shelby County, not too far from the Jefferson County line, where Birmingham stops).

There was a bit of drama happening earlier today, surrounding a fake email that said protests weren’t going to happen, but overall, around 200 people showed up for the Summit protest and about 80 participated in the die-in in the Galleria. Below are some tweets, video, and some pictures from today’s protests. For more video and pictures, go to ABC 33/40.

#Birmingham #BlackLivesMatter

A photo posted by Uncle Iva (@uncleiva) on Dec 12, 2014 at 3:03pm PST

Photo from today’s events, taken by iPhone (EDIT: pictured in the photo is Kashara Johnson and her friends. Kashara owns a lifestyle/fashion blog Undiscovered Worth.)

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