There’s not much of an introduction I need to do for this. James, the writer of the oft-derided Fifty Shades of Grey series  had a Twitter Q&A. Somehow, her PR team thought this was a fantastic idea, but as the #AskThicke team figured out all too late, talking to Twitter was the worst thing James could ever do.

By the way, if you don’t know why Fifty Shades of Grey is enough to make the people of Twitter rise up as one and denounce James, the book series is listed as an S&M erotica series. What it really is, and what many people pounced on James for, is a story about abuse and excusing the abuse as “love.”

So, without further ado, here are some choice tweets:

So what did you think about the #AskELJames debacle? Write about it in the comments section below and keep the conversation going on COLOR’s Facebook and Twitter!

ALSO READ:  X-Men 97 Creator Fired Before Show Premiere

Fifty Shades of Grey Blu-ray box art. Photo credit: Universal Pictures

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