I’ve been inspired by my last post, “How to Sleep in Luxury like Thranduil” and, thankfully, folks on Facebook, Twitter, and the comments section loves it. So I’m going to keep going as long as I can on this idea.

So, let’s say you’ve gotten all of your Thranduil-esque sleeping clothes and you want to up the ante on Elvish luxury. Well, with some creativity, you too can really relax by creating a bathroom experience equal to something Thranduil might experience after a hard day’s work as King of the Woodland Realm.

Bath/Shower gel

I have a few recommendations you can try as far as getting your bath or shower experience Thranduil-esque. All recommendations can be found at Bath and Body Works.

The first two I thought would be cool since Thranduil’s name means “vigorous spring” in Sindarin, according to his Wiki page. So why not find gels that smell like springs or rushing rivers? Dancing Waters ($4 online) and Whitewater Rush ($12.50) both fit the bill.


The next one is something I actually use all the time. The Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Stress Relief Eucalyptus Spearmint line does actually relax you and invigorate you. I use the body wash/foam bath and the lotion (both $13 each). There’s also body cream hand soap, massage oil, pillow mist, shampoo, and tons, tons more, both in Eucalyptus Spearmint and other scent combinations. Also, the Eucalyptus Spearmint line is green, which ties into the Mirkwood elves’ love of the forest.

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The third is Twilight Woods ($14). Since the Sindar are also known as “Elves of the Twilight,” why not use a bath gel that has scents the are indicative of both the twilight and the woods? The fourth, Rainkissed Leaves ($4 online) also goes along these lines of a forest, but it also combines the scent of fresh rain; again water seems to be related to Thranduil thanks to his name.



Body Cream

You can not have a bath with out some proper lotion. However, if you want to get something more than just lotion, get body cream. Body cream is thicker and great if you have naturally drier skin or if you just want that added feeling of luxury.

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All of these bath gels have matching lotions and body creams. Here are just a couple of the creams you can choose from.

Twilight Woods ($12.50)


Dancing Waters ($5 online)


Rainkissed Leaves ($5 online)


Aromatherapy Eucalyptus Spearmint ($15)



Now, just get some extra-plush towels, light some candles or play some soothing music, and you’re on your way to relaxing like Elvish royalty!

What other Thranduil activities do you want to see translated into the real world? Give my your suggestions in the comments section below or tweet me @moniqueblognet with #ThranduilLuxury.

Photo credit: Warner Bros./New Line Cinema