I had a lot of posts here, but I had to whittle it down to five. Here we go!

Alberto Retana writes for Latino Rebel an urgent plea for Latinos to speak out in support of black Americans when it comes to police brutality and other injustices.

Arturo R. Garcia writes for Racialicious that Agent Carter needs to reflect the reality of the 1940s, which is that it was a multicultural melting pot, not a mostly-white nation as it’s often portrayed. Teresa Jusino also has a post for The Mary Sue about #DiversifyAgentCarter, citing real life instances of a multicultural and multiracial 1940s America, including her own great aunt.

Richard Walker’s article for Indian Country Today Media Network details how Washington state has made it mandatory for the state’s Native history to be taught in schools. 

Casey Quinlan writes for ThinkProgress about Congress questioning the Bureau of Indian Education about the many dilapidated Native schools around the country and the many issues that go into this very complicated problem.

Derrick Clifton writes for Mic about the lack of media coverage on the deaths of black women and girls at the hands of the police.

Lourdes Ashley Hunter’s article for The Huffington Post states how every breath a black trans woman takes is a revolutionary act. 

Edit: I forgot to write that I just read Michael B. Jordan’s op-ed in Entertainment Weekly directly addressing those comic book fans who can’t stand to see a black man as Johnny Storm in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. I like how he decided to address them directly and make them squirm. I’m all about making people in the wrong squirm.

What do you think about these posts?

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ICYMI: This Week in Blogs

Here are this week’s blogs posts I’ve read this week:

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