I literally don’t know what we’re supposed to make of How to Get Away with Murder‘s season finale, except for these facts:

• Poor Oliver has HIV

• Frank is a hitman

• Frank was/is in the employment of both Sam and Annalise

• Even though Frank killed Lila and Annalise might have known about it, neither of them killed Rebecca

• The fans are glad that Rebecca is dead

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As someone wrote on Twitter, it’s been a hefty week when it’s come to the deaths of characters no one has particularly cared about. In the same week, we’ve seen Sleepy Hollow‘s Katrina  die, and now, we’ve gotten the Katrina of How to Get Away with Murder, Rebecca, die. That’s all well and good, but I wish I understood any of what happened in the two hours for her death to really mean something to me.

What is Annalise’s endgame? How is getting Nate beat up and re-framed again for murder going to help him? Who’s the lawyer she told him to call? Why does Nate keep trusting her? I get the show was trying to put up a parallel between her and Nate and Rebecca and Wes, but Nate has always seemed smarter than Wes when it came to knowing the score. But maybe Nate isn’t as smart as he seemed if he is just still going to go with what Annalise wants him to do. If this were real life, and I was Nate, finally out on bail, I’d want NOTHING TO DO with Annalise. In fact, I’d have seen about getting a restraining order against her for the while I’m free.

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And why is Bonnie still with Asher? Between them, Kan and Laurel, Laurel and Frank, and Wes and Rebecca, this show really doesn’t know how to showcase relationships well. All of the relationships are just because the writing team decree it as such. There’s literally no setup to these relationships.

When did Michaela come from Louisiana? How come we didn’t know this before? Where did that scene between her and Aiden’s mom (Lynn Whitfield) come from? It’s like it was a scene from a completely different storyline or, to be frank, from a Tyler Perry film. It was straight Tyler Perry-style ham.

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To be honest, the night was full of sloppy writing, I’m sad to say. I’m not so much mad about the finale as I am confused. WHAT HAPPENED?! How are we supposed to keep up with the lies, much less Annalise keeping up with them?! WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED?!?!?!?!

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The end.

What did you think of the season finale? Give your opinions in the comments section below!

Photo credit: Mitchell Haaseth